mahmood hormozi
The object of this study is to explore the role of background knowledge and certain individual features of students in academic achievement within an academick framework . Totally,397 students of Payame Noor University . Tehran Study Center, comprising 307 undergraduate students . 90 graduate students ...
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The object of this study is to explore the role of background knowledge and certain individual features of students in academic achievement within an academick framework . Totally,397 students of Payame Noor University . Tehran Study Center, comprising 307 undergraduate students . 90 graduate students were selected randomly. Of rhese , 117 were boys.and 280 were girls. They were asked to answer the questions posed in three questionnairs: I. Motivational Strategies for Learning Questionnair ; 2.Rotter's Locus of Control Scale ; 3.Beck Self Concept Test. For academic background variable, the GPA of the previous academic cours was used. and for the academic achievement variable .the GPA of the whole subjects accomplished prior to the presentation of the questionnaires was employed. Using the path analysis, the direct and indirect impact of the variables were studied. The findings of the path analysis showed that academic background .test anxiety and self regulation directly affect the academic achievement, and are the best means of predicting it; and academic background, self efficacy . self-concept, locus of control.task value and the use of cognitive strategies indirectly influence students' academic achievement.
firuzeh sepehrian; ali delavar
The purpose of this study was lo prepare the normative scale to assess emotional intelligence of Iranian adolescence in relation to current theories and native culture. To achieve our aim, first we made an analysis and comparison current theories, second, we made an investigation of different school ...
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The purpose of this study was lo prepare the normative scale to assess emotional intelligence of Iranian adolescence in relation to current theories and native culture. To achieve our aim, first we made an analysis and comparison current theories, second, we made an investigation of different school compared in various fields. Third, questions based on native culture and currenttheorieswerewritten. Thisscalewas administered to 35 secondary students. The result of this pilot study demonstrate that certain questions must be changed and some must be deleted. This scale and Bar-011,s test were simultaneously administered to 362 secondary students (183 boys and I 79girls). The subjects were randomly selected from 2 and 3 grades. The data were analyzed using.mean, standard deviation, percentile rank, Cronbach,s alpha ,KMO, Bartlett, Varimax rotation, Pearson correlation. The result of Varimax rotation showed a new factor concerning the effects of culture
fatemeh govahijahan
This study aims at carrying out a comparative study on This study is to show that there is a relationship between having a meaning in life and the satisfaction from the nuptial life among the applicants who have called on to the consultative committees. It is done in comparison with the common population ...
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This study aims at carrying out a comparative study on This study is to show that there is a relationship between having a meaning in life and the satisfaction from the nuptial life among the applicants who have called on to the consultative committees. It is done in comparison with the common population of Tehran. To achieve this goal a study of ninety couples is carried out. The following variables have been considered throughout the research: having a meaning in life, nuptial life satisfaction, duration of nuptial life. and income. The descriptive research method is the ex pos facto one. The following instruments have been used throughout the research: nuptial life satisfaction questionnaire, and meaning seeking questionnaire. The stability of nuptial life satisfaction is equal to 95%,hile for the latter one it is 91 % For analyzing the data which is obtained throughout the preceding research, we have utilized expressive statistical tests like: correlation ratio, regression and T. this is carried out to compare separately the mean of each group. The findings show that there is a meaningful relation between having a meaning in life and nuptial life satisfaction. The ratio is R=O. 78. The intensity of having a meaning in life and being satisfied with nuptial life is more about the people who have not called on the consultative committees.It is vise versa about the applicants who consulted the committees. About the latter ones who are not satisfied with their nuptial life the intensity of having a meaning in life is less. The other findings of the research do not show any meaningful relation among having a meaning in life. age, duration of nuptial life, sex, education, number of children, and income.
parviz sharifi
The research was made with the aim of comparison of mental hygiene state of divorce. fatherless and normal adolescents between 15 and 18 years old in Isfahan at 2005-2006. The research method was causal-comparative. Statistical universe was all the male and female divorce, fatherless and normal adolescents ...
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The research was made with the aim of comparison of mental hygiene state of divorce. fatherless and normal adolescents between 15 and 18 years old in Isfahan at 2005-2006. The research method was causal-comparative. Statistical universe was all the male and female divorce, fatherless and normal adolescents between 5 and 18, at Isfahan and studying at normal high schools in 2005-2006. Statistical sample was contained 252 divorces, fatherless and normal adolescent. So that.each group contained 84 adolescent (42 male and 42 femaletthat were selected with simple random method. Mean while, in sampling cluster and simple random sampling methods were used in corporately . in the research, group membership and sex were independent variables, mental hygiene stale were dependent variables and demographic trails was control variables. SCL-90-R inventory was used for analysis and comparison of subjects mental hygiene state and demographic inventory for analysis of subjects demographic characteristics. For data analysis, MANOVA analysis method, Tukey's honestly significant Difference Test (HSD)and mean were used . Then following results were obtainedfrom data analysis: There was a significant difference between average subjects scores in divorce, fatherless and normal groups in each 9 category SCL-90-R inventory (P=0/0001). Female's average scores in ( depression, anxiety, somatization , phobic anxiety and paranoid ideation) P=0/0001 was more than male's. Male's average scores in aggression (P=0/0001) and interpersonal sensitivity (P=0/0001) was more than female's. There was no significant difference between male's and female's average scores on obsession and compulsion and psychosis dimensions. The relation between group membership and sexuality on each of subscales(9 dimensions of SCL-90-R inventory) was not significant.The research findings were analyzed under the consideration of research results
bahramali ghanbari; mehdi salehzadeh
This study has been performed to compare satisfaction of students who had student marriages with those who didn't. All students were chosen from Mashad Ferdowsi University as statistical group. I 07 students were chosen. Researcher me/hod is description of affinity kind. Tools for gathering data was ...
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This study has been performed to compare satisfaction of students who had student marriages with those who didn't. All students were chosen from Mashad Ferdowsi University as statistical group. I 07 students were chosen. Researcher me/hod is description of affinity kind. Tools for gathering data was questionnaire of marriage satisfaction (msj), which validity was reported 77/47 by Sallehi (13 70). Four issues of acquaintance, attraction investment and interpretation has been reviewed. Research data description and cognitive, were analyzed. Results indicate there is meaningful relation in regard to method of interpretation of level, and overall satisfaction influences by these two issues of other results is that there is meaningful j;l between the two groups in regards to satisfaction , and women who have had student marriage reported more satisfaction
hamid alizadeh; tahereh bahmani
This comparative research studies writing skills in the grade elementary students with and without attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in Fasa. Utilizing a cluster sampling procedure, from 6 schools 60 students were recruited (30 for comparison, and 30 for exposure group}. Students with ADHD ...
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This comparative research studies writing skills in the grade elementary students with and without attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in Fasa. Utilizing a cluster sampling procedure, from 6 schools 60 students were recruited (30 for comparison, and 30 for exposure group}. Students with ADHD from these groups (l Sboys, 15girles) have been selected applying DSM IV-TR (2000) and Conner's scale. The instrument used for writing skills was Writing Skills Improvement Test for Ggrade Elementary. The findings showed that normal e, students have a belier ability in writing (dictation & §' compositioni.Also, the findings displayed that ADHD-1 subgroup had the weakest ability in these skills. No gender difference was observed in the both groups. Furthermore, a high correlation was found between DSM IV-TR (2000) and Conner's scale, but there is not meaning relationship between writing skills and variations of disorder. This study concludes that students with ADHD have significant difficulties in some aspects of writing
balal izanlo; mojtaba habibi
Nowadays, there are two dominant paradigms in the measurement domain: the Classic Theory of Measurement introduced by Spearman and item-Response Theory whose genesis can be traced to the latent Trait Theory. In fact, once used for the measuring variables with two levels, the latent theory was dubbed ...
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Nowadays, there are two dominant paradigms in the measurement domain: the Classic Theory of Measurement introduced by Spearman and item-Response Theory whose genesis can be traced to the latent Trait Theory. In fact, once used for the measuring variables with two levels, the latent theory was dubbed Item-Response Theory. This theory has clear and rational foundation though its intricate mathematical underpinning - compared to the classical theory - has caused researchers to have little inclination to use it. Within the framework of this theory, there are two different approaches to measurement. The first approach which adheres to the Rosh models aims at measuring the magnitude of the target trait in people. However, the second approach, which has developed with the primary purpose of analyzing questions and evaluating their parameters. draws on the parametric models of 2 and 3 for achieving the same objective. Despite all the differences between these two approaches, researchers are mostly unaware of them with ve,y few sources pinpointing the discrepancies. Therefore, the current study deals with the theoretical foundations of the item-response theory, its assumptions, as well as its models and their differences.