Document Type : Research Paper
The research was made with the aim of comparison of mental hygiene state of divorce. fatherless and normal adolescents between 15 and 18 years old in Isfahan at 2005-2006. The research method was causal-comparative. Statistical universe was all the male and female divorce, fatherless and normal adolescents between 5 and 18, at Isfahan and studying at normal high schools in 2005-2006. Statistical sample was contained 252 divorces, fatherless and normal adolescent. So that.each group contained 84 adolescent (42 male and 42 femaletthat were selected with simple random method. Mean while, in sampling cluster and simple random sampling methods were used in corporately . in the research, group membership and sex were independent variables, mental hygiene stale were dependent variables and demographic trails was control variables. SCL-90-R inventory was used for analysis and comparison of subjects mental hygiene state and demographic inventory for analysis of subjects demographic characteristics. For data analysis, MANOVA analysis method, Tukey's honestly significant Difference Test (HSD)and mean were used . Then following results were obtainedfrom data analysis: There was a significant difference between average subjects scores in divorce, fatherless and normal groups in each 9 category SCL-90-R inventory (P=0/0001). Female's average scores in ( depression, anxiety, somatization , phobic anxiety and paranoid ideation) P=0/0001 was more than male's. Male's average scores in aggression (P=0/0001) and interpersonal sensitivity (P=0/0001) was more than female's. There was no significant difference between male's and female's average scores on obsession and compulsion and psychosis dimensions. The relation between group membership and sexuality on each of subscales(9 dimensions of SCL-90-R inventory) was not significant.The research findings were analyzed under the consideration of research results