Document Type : Research Paper
This study aims at carrying out a comparative study on This study is to show that there is a relationship between having a meaning in life and the satisfaction from the nuptial life among the applicants who have called on to the consultative committees. It is done in comparison with the common population of Tehran. To achieve this goal a study of ninety couples is carried out. The following variables have been considered throughout the research: having a meaning in life, nuptial life satisfaction, duration of nuptial life. and income. The descriptive research method is the ex pos facto one. The following instruments have been used throughout the research: nuptial life satisfaction questionnaire, and meaning seeking questionnaire. The stability of nuptial life satisfaction is equal to 95%,hile for the latter one it is 91 % For analyzing the data which is obtained throughout the preceding research, we have utilized expressive statistical tests like: correlation ratio, regression and T. this is carried out to compare separately the mean of each group. The findings show that there is a meaningful relation between having a meaning in life and nuptial life satisfaction. The ratio is R=O. 78. The intensity of having a meaning in life and being satisfied with nuptial life is more about the people who have not called on the consultative committees.It is vise versa about the applicants who consulted the committees. About the latter ones who are not satisfied with their nuptial life the intensity of having a meaning in life is less. The other findings of the research do not show any meaningful relation among having a meaning in life. age, duration of nuptial life, sex, education, number of children, and income.