Document Type : Research Paper
The object of this study is to explore the role of background knowledge and certain individual features of students in academic achievement within an academick framework . Totally,397 students of Payame Noor University . Tehran Study Center, comprising 307 undergraduate students . 90 graduate students were selected randomly. Of rhese , 117 were boys.and 280 were girls. They were asked to answer the questions posed in three questionnairs: I. Motivational Strategies for Learning Questionnair ; 2.Rotter's Locus of Control Scale ; 3.Beck Self Concept Test. For academic background variable, the GPA of the previous academic cours was used. and for the academic achievement variable .the GPA of the whole subjects accomplished prior to the presentation of the questionnaires was employed. Using the path analysis, the direct and indirect impact of the variables were studied. The findings of the path analysis showed that academic background .test anxiety and self regulation directly affect the academic achievement, and are the best means of predicting it; and academic background, self efficacy . self-concept, locus of control.task value and the use of cognitive strategies indirectly influence students' academic achievement.