Document Type : Research Paper


1 Semnan University, Mahdishahr Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology

2 Department of Educational Psychology, Faculty of Psychology and Education, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran



The purpose of this research was to investigate the relationship between students' misbehavior and the desire to leave the service of teachers with the mediation of emotional exhaustion and the moderating role of emotional regulation. The current research was correlational. The statistical population of this research included all the elementary school teachers of Semnan city who were working in the academic year of 2011-2014 (723 people). The participants were 150 teachers (84 female teachers and 64 male teachers). A simple random sampling method was used. All of them completed the Jang (1995) emotional exhaustion questionnaire, the Gross and John (2003) emotional regulation questionnaire, the Kim et al. (2007) intention to quit questionnaire, and the Rostami and Rad students' behavioral bias questionnaire (2012). Hypotheses were tested with path analysis model and conditional process analysis. The findings showed that students' misbehavior had a direct structural effect on emotional exhaustion and the tendency to leave the service of teachers. Emotional exhaustion played a mediating role in the relationship between students' misbehavior and teachers' desire to leave. The moderating role of emotional regulation in the mediating relationship of emotional exhaustion was confirmed. At low levels of emotion regulation, the relationship between emotional exhaustion and the desire to leave the service was very mild and significant, but at high levels of emotion regulation, emotional exhaustion more strongly predicted the desire to leave the service. As a result, the antecedents of the desire to leave the service have complex structural relationships.


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