Document Type : Research Paper


1 Educational Technology department, Psychology and Educational Sciences, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran,Iran

2 Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran

3 Faculty of tarbiat modares


Design thinking in education is "a kind of learner-oriented and creative problem-solving to respond to ambiguous and complex issues of education and propose innovative issues." The benefits of using design thinking in teaching and learning have led to the need to design and validate the design model of design thinking education for technologists and educational designers, which has not been addressed in the researches reviewed, the need to respond to the existing research gap. The aim of the present research is To achieve this goal, the mixed research method was used in a sequential exploratory manner. With the method of qualitative content analysis, selected specialized texts from the systematic review in the period from 1980 to 2021, extracted from related domestic and foreign databases, were studied and analyzed. By identifying the components of design thinking and effective factors in educational design resulting from research findings on the one hand and with the appropriateness of the social constructive approach in design thinking education on the other hand, the proposed model was designed. In the proposed quantitative section, it was validated. For internal validation, the proposed model was sent to educational technology experts for judgment and validation. Findings and data analysis of the questionnaire showed that the proposed model has good internal validity and can be used for educational technology students.


Main Subjects