Document Type : Research Paper


Islamic Azad University of Roodehen


The goal of this study is to explain the academic motivation in the students based on perceived motivational orientation of teachers and parents by mediation of basic psychological needs. To this end, a sample including 404 high school students of Hamedan schools has been chosen based on multistage-cluster sampling method. Then the scales of academic motivation, perceived motivational orientation of parents, perceived motivational orientation of teachers, and the basic psychological needs were conducted. The Data were analyzed according to structural equation modeling (SEM) method. The final model showed a special pattern of relationship between the study variables that explain respectively 44/0, 37/0, 22/0 of variances of intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation and amotivation. The fitness indicators of the model showed the proper fit with the data (χ2=1/81, P=0/61, GFI=1/00, AGFI=0/99, CFI=1/00, NFI=0/99, RMSEA=0/01). The direct effect of parents’ motivational orientation on the academic motivation was not supported, but was confirmed indirectly by mediation of psychological needs on intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and amotivation. Also, the direct and indirect effects of motivational orientation of teachers on three aspects of academic motivation were meaningful. The teachers’ motivational orientation was more explaining about the students’ academic motivation than parents’ motivational orientation that suggests the basic significance of the class atmosphere and teachers’ motivational orientation on the students’ academic motivation.


Main Subjects

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