Document Type : Research Paper


Lecturer of Psychology, Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran, e-mail:


This study examines the effectiveness of Tusi’s moral education approach on teachers' attitudes in the moral education process of elementary school students. The research method was quasi-experimental in which pretest-posttest design was used for experimental and control groups. The statistical population included elementary school teachers of Region 2 of Tehran. Sample group including 30 people in the experimental group and 30 people in the control group were selected randomly from subsidiary schools in Region 2 of Tehran. The measuring instrument was attitude measuring questionnaire developed by researchers inclusive of 30 questions with 5-point Likert scale which its reliability was 84.0 based on the retest score and was 85.0 based on Cronbach's alpha. The teachers attended in 8 4-hour training sessions in the form of a workshop. While understanding the attitude, they learned designing lesson plans skills based on the moral education of Tousi. The results showed that cognition and approaches design skills influence on change the human attitude in the process of moral education.


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