Document Type : Research Paper


1 PHD student in Educational Technology, Tarbiat Modares University

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Sciences

3 MA Student, Allameh Tabataba’i University

4 MA Curriculum in Tabataba’i University


The present research aims to study the effectiveness of e-portfolio on
test  anxiety  and  self-esteem  of  student.  This  was  an  experimental
research  with  a  two-group  pretest-posttest  design.  The  statistical
population  included  all  students  of  the  Islamic  Azad  University  of
Meshkinshahr  during  the  semester ٢٠١٢-٢٠١٣.  Using  convenience
sampling method, ٢ architecture classes, each having ٣٠ students, was
selected. The sample population, including ٦٠ students, was randomly
divided  to  ٢  experimental  and  control  groups.  The  research
instruments  were  the  Sarason’s  Test  Anxiety  Scale  (TAS)  the
Coopersmith  Self-Esteem  Inventory.  A  pre-test  was  given  to  both
groups at the beginning of the semester. Then, the control group was
exposed to the independent variable (electronic portfolio). At the end
of the semester, a post-test was applied to both groups. The collected
data was analyzed using the independence t-test. The results showed
that using e-portfolio is effective on reducing the students’ test anxiety
(p<٠.٠٠١) and improving their self-esteem (p<٠.٠٥).
