Document Type : Research Paper


1 MA in Educational Psychology,

2 Assistant Professor of Educational Psychology

3 MA in Educational Psychology


The  present  paper  aims  to  study  the  influence  of  the  perception  of
family  communication  patterns  (including  conversation  and
conformity  orientations)  as  well  as structure  of  the  class  (including
tasks,  meticulous  assessment,  emphasis  on  evaluation  authority) on
academic  buoyancy,  and  investigate the  mediatory  role  of  selfefficacy  dimensions  therein.  Using  multi-stage  random  cluster
sampling  method, ٣٣٧ subjects  (١٧٦ females  and ١٦١ males)  were
selected from among high school students in the city of Mehriz. The
research  instruments  included  a  version  of  the  Revised  Family
Communication  Pattern  (١٩٩٧),  the  Class  Structure  Questionnaire
(٢٠٠١),  a  version  of  self-efficacy  dimensions  (٢٠٠١),  and  the
Academic  Buoyancy  Questionnaire  (١٣٩١).  Cronbach’s  alpha
coefficient  was  used  to  test  the  instruments’  reliability,  and  their
validity  was  tested  by  using  factor  analysis  and  internal  consistency
methods.  The  instruments  proved  to  be  reliable  and  valid.  The
research  data  was  analyzed  using  path  analysis  method  with
simultaneous regression as suggested by Baron and Kenny (١٩٨٦). In
general,  the  results  indicated  that  some  dimensions  of  family
communication  patterns  and  class  structure can  directly  predict  the
academic  buoyancy.  Moreover,  some  dimensions  of  family
communication  patterns  and  class structure directly  predict  selfefficacy''s  dimensions.  Finally,  after  calculating  the  obtained
١. Corresponding Author: MA in Educational Psychology, e-mail:
٢. Assistant Professor of Educational Psychology
٣. MA in Educational Psychology, e-mail: m٦٥_m٨٠
٤. MA in Educational Psychology
3     English Abstracts
coefficients  of  the  paths,  it  became  evident that dimensions of  selfefficacy had a mediatory role between conversation orientation, task
attraction  and  authority with  academic  buoyancy.  The  results  of  the
study  were  discussed  with  regard  to  previous  studies  and  some
suggestions were made for further research in the field.
