Document Type : Research Paper



Background: Spiritual intelligence has become one of important issues in psychological investigations. The present study considers its relationship with teachers' organizational citizenship behavior. Objective: The purpose of the present study was to examine the relationship between spiritual intelligence and organizational citizenship behavior. Method: 234 teachers of high school in Zanjan city were selected by cluster randomly sampling method. They responded two questionnaires: King Spiritual Intelligence Self-Report Inventory (SISRI-24) and Podsakoff and et al Organizational Citizenship Behavior (1990). Data were analyzed through Pearson correlation and stepwise regression methods. Results: The results revealed that, there was significant and positive relationship between spiritual intelligence and organizational citizenship behavior. The components of spiritual intelligence (critical existential thinking, personal meaning production, transcendental awareness, conscious state expansion) explain teacher’s duty and altruist. The components critical existential thinking, personal meaning production and transcendental awareness explain teacher’s respect and overall OCB. The components personal meaning production and transcendental awareness explain teacher’s patience. Also, the components conscious state expansion and critical existential thinking predict teacher’s social customs.
