Document Type : Research Paper



This study sought to investigate and compare the efficiency of cognitive behavior therapy. Self-help method and interaction of these two methods (cognitive behavior therapy and Self-help method) on enhancing marital satisfaction of couples. This investigation is an empirical investigation with pre-test, post-test design with control group. So. a sample o/ 49 couples was selected from couples referring to counseling center of Kermanshah Azad University and they were randomly assigned to four groups: I- cognitive behavioral ( 12 couples). 2- self-help (! 5 couples). 3- cognitive behavioral + self-help (/0 couples), n-control (12 couples). After pooling data by Enrich Marital Satisfaction Inventor, analysis of data examination of hypotheses was done dy using one-way analysis of variance and LSD test by SPSS software. Rsult showed that there is a significant difference of the extent o/ satisfaction in experimental groups (p<0/01). Examination of mean marital satisfaction o/ therapeutic group showed that a combination o/ cognitive behavior therapy and self-help method has the highest effect 011 enhancement of marital satisfaction of the couples
