Document Type : Research Paper



he purpose of the present study was to investigate the relationship between perceived parenting styles, identity styles and commitment in adolescents and causal model of these variables witch proposed by Berzonsky (2004). A total of 415 third-grade high school students (187 male and 238 female) were selected via cluster sampling method. Data collected by perceived parenting styles questionnaire, Berzonsky’s identity processing styles questionnaire and then analyzed using correlation, regression analysis and path analysis. Results showed that parenting styles and identity styles predict thirty one percent of variance of commitment. Also, identity styles were predicted significantly by parenting styles. The results of path analysis showed that causal model proposed by Berzonsky (2004) was not fitted in this study. Probably with regarding to the importance of ethnicity and cultural differences of Iran society and age differences, causal model proposed by Berzonsky (2004) was not confirmed in Iranian adolescents. However, in general, mother parenting styles and identity processing styles are good predictors of commitment of Iranian adolescents.


بیابانگرد، اسماعیل .(1386). روان‏شناسی تربیتی. تهران: انتشارات ویرایش.
شکری، امید؛ تاجیک اسماعیلی، عزیزا...؛ دانشورپور، زهره؛ غنایی، زیبا؛ دستجردی، رضا.(1386). تفاوت‏های فردی در سبک‏های هویت و بهزیستی روان‏شناختی: نقش تعهد هویت. تازه‏های علوم شناختی، سال9، شماره2: 23-46.
ماسن، پاول هنری و همکاران. رشد و شخصیت کودک. ترجمه یاسایی .(1377). مهشید. تهران: نشرمرکز.
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