Document Type : Research Paper



his study has been done with the purpose of studying the effect of work experience with computer and task-technology fit on acceptance of computer technology, especially computer perceived ease of use and computer perceived usefulness. The research is experimental using post-test single subject group. For this purpose, a sample of 127 computer first semester students for higher diploma were chosen clustery and after six weeks training answered to TAM questionnaire adapted from researches of Gardner and Amoroso and Klopping and McKinney. Results showed that the direct effect of work experience with computer and task-technology fit on computer perceived ease of use was significant and on computer perceived usefulness was however not significant. Also the direct effect of computer perceived ease of use on computer perceived usefulness by added work experience with computer and task-technology fit to model was not significant, but direct effect of internet perceived ease of use on computer attitude toward using was not moderated by added work experience with computer and task-technology fit.


هومن، ح. ع .(1384). مدل‏یابی معادلات‏ساختاری با کاربرد نرم‏افزار لیزرل. تهران: انتشارات سمت.
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