Document Type : Research Paper



Alcohol, tobacco and drugs used among adolescents are significant public health concern. This study was carried out to examine risk and protective factors associated with alcohol, tobacco and other illicit drugs used among 13-18 years-old adolescents. A national sample of 2538 high school and pre-university students (1255 girls and 1283 boys) completed Risk and Protective factors Inventory (RAPI) and drug abuse questionnaire. Data were analyzed using multiple regression analysis. A variety of risk and protective factors in several domains are associated with drug abuse. In family domain risk factors such as poor family bonding and high level of family conflicts and in individual domain high level of sensation seeking, positive attitude toward drug use, negative self-concept, lack of assertiveness and negative moods are powerful predictors of alcohol, tobacco and drug used among adolescents. In social and school domains peer pressure and poor commitment to school and negative psychosocial climate of schools were significantly correlated with drug used in adolescents. These findings suggest that effective prevention programs may need an integrative approach that focuses on the risk and protective factors associated with drug use in several domains. It highlights the importance of psychosocial education of parents, school staffs and adolescents. Lifeskills training program such as decision making, problem solving, coping and assertiveness skills may lead to increased self-esteem and self-efficacy which in turn lead to decreased using alcohol, tobacco and other drugs.


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