Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Institute for Educational Studies, Organization for Educational Research and Planning (OERP), Tehran, Iran.

2 Ph.D. in Philosophy of Education,


The lack of effective communication with parents in children's lives leads to weaker and more superficial parent-child interactions, and this weak interaction causes complex problems for the child in the future. The purpose of this research was to design a pattern of interactions between parents and students in pandemic conditions. The research method was of a mixed type (qualitative-quantitative) and the studied population included experts in the fields of psychology, educational sciences, sociology and communication and parents with student children in Tehran. In the qualitative part, based on the principle of theoretical saturation, 20 experts were selected using the purposeful sampling method, and in the quantitative part, according to the Cochran formula, 384 people were selected using the multi-stage sampling method. Data measurement tools were used in the qualitative part of the semi-structured interview, and in the quantitative part, the parents' interaction questionnaire with the students, and in the data analysis, content analysis method, coding method, and structural equations were used. The results of the research indicate that interpersonal relationships, economy and cost management, health and education have an impact on parent-child interactions. The value of the beta coefficient of interpersonal relations is equal to 0.485, and the value of the beta coefficient related to the economy is equal to /745, the beta coefficient related to the third path is equal to 0.256, and the beta coefficient of the fourth path is equal to /487.


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