Document Type : Research Paper


1 shiraz univdrsity

2 shiraz university

3 Assitant professor, Department of Psychology, Shiraz university, Shiraz, Iran

4 Shiraz University


The aim of this study was to extract the grounded theory model of Mindup in preschool children. The design of this research was a qualitative synthesis research of the TheoryGenerating Meta-synthesis type and was carried out using the sixstep method of Sandlowski and Barroso. In the first step, after selecting the Meta-synthesis team, the research questions were set up to extract the grounded theory model of the children's Mindup model and the criteria for including the articles were determined. In the second step, a systematic search of resources in Latin databases was performed . In the third step, the quality of the articles was evaluated and finally, according to the exclusion criteria, 37 original articles were selected. In the fourth step, open-source code was extracted using the classification technique and quantitative Meta-summery technique. In the fifth step, at first 119 open codes were extracted. Then all the factors extracted from the research were considered as open code and then according to the reduction rules, considering the concept of each code, it was summarized and decreased to 13 axial codes and 3 categories (Antecedents, processes and Consequences). In the sixth step, the findings were validated using validation and transferability techniques.


Main Subjects