Document Type : Research Paper


1 Shahid Beheshti University

2 Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Shahid Beheshti University


This study examined the mediating effect of teacher emotions on the relationship between teachers’ academic optimism and interpersonal teacher behavior model. In a sample consisting of 306 men teachers, the Teacher’ Academic Optimism Scale (TAOS, Woolfolk Hoy, Hoy & Kurz, 2008), the Teacher Emotion Inventory (TEI, Chen, 2016) and the Questionnaire on Teacher Interaction (QTI, Lourdusamy & Khine, 2001) were administered. Structural equation modeling was used to assess the mediating effects of teacher emotions on the relationship between teachers’ academic optimism and interpersonal teacher behavior. Results showed that there is a positive significant correlation between teachers’ academic optimism with positive emotions and positive interpersonal teacher behavior and a negative significant correlation with negative emotions and negative interpersonal teacher behavior. Results also indicated that there is a negative significant correlation between positive emotions with negative interpersonal teacher behavior and a positive significant correlation whit positive interpersonal teacher behavior and there is a negative significant correlation between negative emotions with positive interpersonal teacher behavior and a negative significant correlation whit negative interpersonal teacher behavior. Results showed that the fully mediated model of teacher emotions on the relationship between teachers’ academic optimism and interpersonal teacher behavior had acceptable fit to data. Overall, the results of the present study showed that trying to understand the interpretative capacities of academic optimism in predicting positive and negative models of teacher-student interpersonal behavior can be interpreted in the context of differentiation between positive and negative teachers' emotional experiences.


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