Document Type : Research Paper


Aim: The aim of this research was to investigate the psychometric properties of Cognitive Error questionnaire. This questionnaire standardization by Lefebvre (1981) in German and Possel (2009) in American. The questionnaire inclusive 4 subscale of catastrophizing, overgeneralization, personalization, selective abstraction. This scale has 24 items.
Methods: Research and standardization of research methods to validate the psychometric and cognitive errors to identify the research is descriptive survey. Research population were consisted of all married men and women originally Iranian. 439 persan participate in this study selected from five city of TERAN, ESFAHAN, AHVAAZ, MASHHAD and KORDESTAN.
Results: The Results approved a hypothesized four-factor structure of theory of cognitive error. Standardization Scales of the questionnaire was married to Iranian men and women.
Conclusions: Questionnaire demonstrates a good reliability and construct validity showing its reliability and applicability.
Keywords: Normalization, Psychometric indices, Cognitive Error Questionnaire, students.
Keywords: Normalization, Psychometric indices, Cognitive Error Questionnaire, students.


Main Subjects