Document Type : Research Paper


1 Master Of Educational Psychology, Shahid Madani Azarbayjan Univercity, Tabriz, Iran

2 Professor of Educational Psychology Department of Shahid Madani University of Azerbaijan, Tabriz, Iran

3 Associate Professor, Department of Educational Psychology, Shahid Madani University of Azerbaijan, Tabriz, Iran.


During the last three decades, many researchers have investigated gender differences in academic emotions, but many of their results have been contradictory; Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a meta-analysis to achieve a comprehensive result in this field. In this regard, the aim of the current research is to combine the results of existing researches in the field of gender differences in academic emotions. The method used in this research is meta-analysis. The statistical population was all the researches published in the country between 1370-1400. After reviewing the primary studies based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 146 effect sizes from 80 selected studies were included in the analysis process. In order to collect information from the Mesrabadi checklist (1395) and to analyze the data, combined effect size with two fixed and random models, funnel plot, sensitivity analysis, and regression were used. In this research, Hedges g index was used among the types of d indices. The results showed that the difference obtained in the index of total academic emotions and types of emotions, according to the interpretation of Cohen's d criterion, is lower than the small level. Considering the heterogeneity of the effect sizes, sub-components were analyzed. Based on the obtained effect sizes, there is no difference between girls and boys in all kinds of academic emotions...


Main Subjects

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