javad Einipour; Ashab Habibzadeh; soghra ebrahimi qavam
The atmosphere and environment in which the training takes place affects the motivation and learning of the individual with different qualities. Environmental-social factors are as the spirit of the universities. The aim of this study was to develop a model of the impact of environmental and social factors ...
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The atmosphere and environment in which the training takes place affects the motivation and learning of the individual with different qualities. Environmental-social factors are as the spirit of the universities. The aim of this study was to develop a model of the impact of environmental and social factors on the cycle of academic motivation- lifelong learning of police students. This research is of quantitative-qualitative type. The statistical population of this study, in the quantitative part, were all students of Amin police University in associate and bachelor degrees, which were 733 people, 219 of whom were selected by stratified sampling method, and in the qualitative part included professors and elites. A focus group of 10 of them was purposefully formed as a sample. Researcher-made tool of environmental-social factors affecting academic motivation and learning, Harter standard motivation questionnaire (1981) and lifelong learning questionnaire of Wetzel et al. (2010) were used in quantitative part and semi-structured interview form in qualitative part. Analysis of quantitative data showed that the variables of family relationship with university, reduction of extra programs positively and civilian relations negatively were the most important variables predicting academic motivation. Also, the variables of civil relations and feedback mechanisms, lack of stress and space were all positively the most important predictors of learning in students of Amin police University. According to the results of the focus group, while the academic motivation of police students is more influenced by military discipline, lifelong learning is influenced by the feedback mechanism
Jamshid Heydari; Khadijeh Aliabadi; soghra Ebrahimi Q avam; Saeid Poor roustaei
AbstractThis study executed for the development of thinking instructional design models based on Vygotsky's sociocultural theory. The research was a mixed-method and Research design was exploratory design. The design consists of two consecutive qualitative and quantitative parts. In the qualitative section, ...
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AbstractThis study executed for the development of thinking instructional design models based on Vygotsky's sociocultural theory. The research was a mixed-method and Research design was exploratory design. The design consists of two consecutive qualitative and quantitative parts. In the qualitative section, by using the thematic analysis method, the scientific texts selected by purposeful method, consisted of 18 books and 40 articles, study and analysis. Also interviewed with 6 people of instructional design and educational psychology experts by focus group method and model developed. In the quantitative part, the developed model was validated. For internal validation, a developed model associated with the Researcher made a questionnaire with the determination of validity and Reliability coefficient 0/72 in the Cronbach alpha method, for 15 experts for judgment send and data analyzed. From the extracted themes, experts selected 3 global themes and 15 organizing themes and presented a model after determining the interaction between them. Analysis of the data obtained from the implementation of a researcher-made questionnaire for model internal validation by one-sample t-test showed that the mean of the respondents' responses to each question was significantly higher than the average of the scores in each question and as a result, the model had appropriate internal validity.
somayeh saifi; soghra ebrahimi qavam; Hasan Ashaeri; Noorali Farrokhi; Fariborz Dortaj
Current solution to the problems of education requires more sophisticated and smart approach by choosing that an important part of the (brain-compatible learning) is provided. Brain compatible learning considers how naturally learning take place. It seeks for changing the frame to make an effective teaching ...
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Current solution to the problems of education requires more sophisticated and smart approach by choosing that an important part of the (brain-compatible learning) is provided. Brain compatible learning considers how naturally learning take place. It seeks for changing the frame to make an effective teaching based on the structure and functions of human brain.The main objective of this study was to determine the effectiveness of brain compatible learning on the components of planning and problem solving of executive functions of 4th grade of elementary school. This study has been conducted with unequal control group design from quasi-experimental design. The statistical society consisted of all male students in Salam elementary private school of Tehran) 7 school) in 2015-2016 academic year, and the target sample chosen from 38 students of the 4th grade in Salam schools in the district 5. Fifty hours of brain compatible education for experimental teachers’ group and 3 months education were performed for students according to brain compatible lesson plans for mathematics, science and literature lessons. Pre-test and post-test data were collected by using Tower of London Test and they were analyzed by one way analysis of covariance, and multiway analysis of covariance (MANCOVA). Results showed that brain compatible learning has been effective on planning component of executive functions and also brain compatible learning has been effective on problem solving component of executive functions (F=24/94, P<.0001/0, Effect Size=./416). These findings smart learning with regard to the elements and principles of brain-compatible learning emphasizes the ability to plan and problem solving.
روانشناسی یادگیری
mosa bandak
Volume 11, Issue 37 , October 2015, , Pages 19-33
The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of life skills training on academic self-efficacy. The study population consisted of all elementary school students in Boolbanabad city. The sampling method used in this study was random sampling. For data gathering, the academic self-efficacy questionnaire ...
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The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of life skills training on academic self-efficacy. The study population consisted of all elementary school students in Boolbanabad city. The sampling method used in this study was random sampling. For data gathering, the academic self-efficacy questionnaire MJSES (1999), before and after life skills training, was distributed among the students. Content intended to train students in the life skills program was cognitive skills, how to record maintenance information, wise use of resources, self-esteem, resiliency, problem solving thinking. The data were analyzed by SPSS-19 software, using analysis of covariance. The results showed that life skills training can affect students’ academic self-efficacy. Because these skills increase their knowledge of learning how to be better able to remember information and therefore have less forgetfulness. Therefore, their self-concept and academic achievement will be positive.
ali sheykholeslami; fariborz dortaj; ali delavar; soghra ebrahimighavam
Volume 10, Issue 34 , January 2015, , Pages 94-109
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of mindfulness-based stress reduction program training on procrastination of pre-university male students. The research method was experimental with pretest-posttest design with control group. The statistical population included all pre-university ...
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of mindfulness-based stress reduction program training on procrastination of pre-university male students. The research method was experimental with pretest-posttest design with control group. The statistical population included all pre-university male students in shahryar city in the 2012-2013 academic year, that among them by using simple random sampling, 30 students with high score on procrastination questionnaire (one standard deviation above the mean group), were selected, and randomly assigned in experimental (15) and control (15) groups. The experimental group had 8 session of mindfulness-based stress reduction program training. Tuckman's procrastination questionnaire used to gather data. The data was analyzed by covariance statistical method. Findings indicated that the research hypothesis “ effect of mindfulness-based stress reduction program training on procrastination” had been proven, and students of experimental group in comparison with control group, in posttest had a significantly less procrastination. So, we can conclude that mindfulness-based stress reduction program training has a significant effect on reducing the procrastination of students.
Abdollah Moatamedy; soghra ebrahimi ghavam; yousef azami; hamed chopan; younes dostian
Volume 10, Issue 33 , October 2014, , Pages 1-20
Objective: This study compared the learning styles, study styles and time management in gifted and non-gifted students. Methods: This research is descriptive-comparison. Simple random sampling was used to select a sample of 100 students from gifted and non-gifted Kurdistan University are eligible for ...
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Objective: This study compared the learning styles, study styles and time management in gifted and non-gifted students. Methods: This research is descriptive-comparison. Simple random sampling was used to select a sample of 100 students from gifted and non-gifted Kurdistan University are eligible for this research were randomly selected. for data gathering,Vermont and Van Ryjsvyk Learning style questionnaire (ILS),a Marton and Sljv study approaches questionnaire and, Bryton and Tesr management time inventory and demographic characteristics questionnaire was used. For data analysis using SPSS software and descriptive and inferential statistical methods were used. Results: showed that between gifted and non-gifted students learning styles and study styles there was significant difference, but the two groups were not significantly different in terms of efficient use of time. Conclusion: It is a time management workshops and teaching effective learning and study strategies by educational and counseling services to students by the university authorities to take action to occur.
Kazem Barzegar Bafrou’i; Esma’il Sa’dipour; Soghra Ebrahimi Qavam; Nour Ali Farrokhi
Volume 8, Issue 26 , January 2013, , Pages 178-211
The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of epistemological beliefs and perception of constructivist learning environment on chemistry performance through the mediation of academic self-efficacy and high-level cognitive strategies. Forthispurpose, 646high school students (318 male, 328 ...
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of epistemological beliefs and perception of constructivist learning environment on chemistry performance through the mediation of academic self-efficacy and high-level cognitive strategies. Forthispurpose, 646high school students (318 male, 328 female) were chosen through cluster random sampling method and completed a questionnaire of epistemological beliefs, perception of constructivist learning environment, academic self-efficacy, and high-level cognitive strategies scales.The structural modeling analysis indicated that epistemological beliefs and perception of constructivist learning environment had a direct and significant impact on chemistry performance, and the result indicated that relationships between epistemological beliefs and perception of constructivist learning environment with chemistry performance was mediated by academic self-efficacy and high-level cognitive strategies. In this model, all regression weights were statistically significant and predictors explained 0.75% variance of chemistry performance. In general, the results proved the direct and indirect impact of epistemological beliefs and perception of constructivist learning environment (through mediation of academic self-efficacy and high-level cognitive strategies) on chemistry performance.
Soghra Ebrahimi Ghavam (PhD); Seyed Ali Akbar Karimi (MA)
Volume 6, Issue 18 , October 2010, , Pages 72-104
n the research reported here in, the educator training programs in Iran, Australia, Canada and Britain were compared and contrasted. In this report, initially the developmental path of the current program in Iran is critically reviewed, the policies and initiatives taken are explained and the major problems ...
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n the research reported here in, the educator training programs in Iran, Australia, Canada and Britain were compared and contrasted. In this report, initially the developmental path of the current program in Iran is critically reviewed, the policies and initiatives taken are explained and the major problems that the educator training center is currently facing are delineated. Then, the status of educator training programs in Canada, Britain and Australia are outlined in such a way that comparing and contrasting them with the Iranian program. Finally, based on the results of the comparison applicable strategies are suggested in order to remedy the current problems in Iranian early childhood educators training programs. It is hoped that the findings are utilized by the educational planners as establishment of a good educator training program. It is hoped that the findings are utilized by the program plays a pivotal role in any reform in the educational system of the country.
roghaye arji; soghra ebrahimighavam
This study attempted to devise and standardized a scale for self• regulated as a cross-curricular competency among female and male students of Mashhad city. A random selection of 840 students participated in this research in the first stage. A 52-item questionnaire and 14 subscales using Likert ...
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This study attempted to devise and standardized a scale for self• regulated as a cross-curricular competency among female and male students of Mashhad city. A random selection of 840 students participated in this research in the first stage. A 52-item questionnaire and 14 subscales using Likert scale from one to four were used. The results of this stage of the study showed that the Cronbach's Alpha coefficient of this Questionnaire was 0/796. Principal component analysis ,using a Varimax rotation result 12 subscales. The results showed that, the females' self-regulated learning was stronger than males' self-regulated learning.
marziye mirsamiei; soghra ebrahimighavam
SUMMERY: This survey has been carried out with the aim of studying the relationship between self-efficiency social support and exam anxiety and the psychological health of men and women students in Allameh-Tabatabaee University. METHOD: This survey is a correlative one. Being selected by cluster sampling, ...
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SUMMERY: This survey has been carried out with the aim of studying the relationship between self-efficiency social support and exam anxiety and the psychological health of men and women students in Allameh-Tabatabaee University. METHOD: This survey is a correlative one. Being selected by cluster sampling, the participants were 300 undergraduate students (210 women and 90 men) of Allameh-Tobatabaee University in 2006 academic year. They were evaluated by Sherer self-efficiency questionnaire (1982), social support § questionnaire (1986), exam anxiety questionnaire (1996) and Goldberg general health questionnaire (1979). Research data was analyzed via the statistic test of Correlation coefficient and independent. FINDINGS: These studies showed that there is a relation not only between self-efficiency and psychological health but also between social support and psychological health. Moreover, it reveled that there is no difference between sexes when it comes to self-efficiency average, social support and exam anxiety. Nevertheless, the average of men's' psychological health was significantly lower then that of women. RESULTS: The results generally revealed that self-efficiency and social support are influential in promoting psychological health and also that exam anxiety decreases psychological health
nahid jahanshahi; soghra ebrahim ghavam
This study aims at carrying out a comparative study on the relationship between seven thinking styles with age, gender. academic level and academic filed in elementary, guidance and high schools' teachers in Barn town. 200 teachers ( 25 females and 75 males) participated in this study. The seven variable ...
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This study aims at carrying out a comparative study on the relationship between seven thinking styles with age, gender. academic level and academic filed in elementary, guidance and high schools' teachers in Barn town. 200 teachers ( 25 females and 75 males) participated in this study. The seven variable of thinking styles were measured by the Inventory of Thinking Styles and the jive independent variables were rated by a questionnaire of demography. The findings showed that there is a significant relationship between the variables. T test showed that factor age was related lo legislative, executive, global, liberal and conservative thinking slytes . The gender was related executive, judicial, local, global and conservative thinking styles. Academic filed was related lo legislative, executive, local, conservative thinking styles. The academic level was related lo legislative thinking style. The period of academic was related lo legislative thinking style. This study supported from ve,y hypotheses of Gorigorenko and Sternbergs' studies
ali moslehi rad; soghra ebrahimi ghavam
Regarding the purpose the stydy that is to compare cognitive styles (field dependent and field independent) and the degree of ,O usage of self - regulated teaming strategies among gifted and normal the sample of the study consisted of200 people (100boy and100 girls) were selected form the of Qazvin , ...
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Regarding the purpose the stydy that is to compare cognitive styles (field dependent and field independent) and the degree of ,O usage of self - regulated teaming strategies among gifted and normal the sample of the study consisted of200 people (100boy and100 girls) were selected form the of Qazvin , via multi stage cluster sampling . The tools of this study , were group embedded figures test (witkine et al 1997), self - regulated learning questionnaire( pintrich & de groot 1991),also in order to control the inelegancy of subjects, the rieven test for adults was used. in order to statistical iS show that: 1-there is a significant difference between the cognitive analysis and pearson coefficient correlation were used. The results styles of gifted students and normal . 2- there is a significant . difference between the degree of applying self-regulated learning strategies in gifted and normal students .in orther words , the gifted students use more self- regulated teaming strategies. 3-in general of cognitive style and the degree of applying self-regulated learning strategies . 4-a significant positive relationship between congnitive 4 styls (field dependent and field independent) and self-regulated learning strategies was found.