Document Type : Research Paper
SUMMERY: This survey has been carried out with the aim of studying the relationship between self-efficiency social support and exam anxiety and the psychological health of men and women students in Allameh-Tabatabaee University. METHOD: This survey is a correlative one. Being selected by cluster sampling, the participants were 300 undergraduate students (210 women and 90 men) of Allameh-Tobatabaee University in 2006 academic year. They were evaluated by Sherer self-efficiency questionnaire (1982), social support § questionnaire (1986), exam anxiety questionnaire (1996) and Goldberg general health questionnaire (1979). Research data was analyzed via the statistic test of Correlation coefficient and independent. FINDINGS: These studies showed that there is a relation not only between self-efficiency and psychological health but also between social support and psychological health. Moreover, it reveled that there is no difference between sexes when it comes to self-efficiency average, social support and exam anxiety. Nevertheless, the average of men's' psychological health was significantly lower then that of women. RESULTS: The results generally revealed that self-efficiency and social support are influential in promoting psychological health and also that exam anxiety decreases psychological health