Document Type : Research Paper
The purpose of this research was to investigate effectiveness of teaching Differentiation of self in. decrease divorced women mental problems. This study is an experimental one with a pre -test and a post - test and a control group. Research society was been 20-45 old divorced women who were became to 14 and 18 areas municipality mental houses. Ajier sampling and doing the pre - test 30 divorced women were selected and randomly placed in two groups (one experimental group and one control group. Experimental group was under teaching for 10 sessions. After finishing the teaching sessions all groups took a post -test. To collect the data two self-report questionnaires were used SCL90-R questionnaire which includes 90 questions about somatization, obsession-compulsive interpersonal sensitively ,depression anxiety, aggression phobia paranoid and psychosis scores.2- Differentiation of self inventory-revised questionnaire which includes 46 questions that focuses on adults their significant relationships and their current relations with family of origin. The data was analyzed by co-variance analysis and tracing tests. The results of the research showed that this method was effective in increase of differentiation of self and decrease mental problems in excremental group.