Document Type : Research Paper
Objective: This research examined factorial invariance of Child Behavior Checklist by using confirmatory factor analysis. Method: The form was administered on a sample of non-referred students (697 boys and 650 girls) which were selected from primary, secondary and high schools of the city of Tehran. The sample was selected by means of multistage stratified random method. To estimate parameters and fitting a 8 correlated• syndrome model, weighted least square (WLS) function was used. The adequacy and fitting the model was assessed by RMSEA, SRMR, CFI, TLI, GFI, and AGFI indices. Results: The findings indicated that Achenbach 's 8 correlated factor model has good fit with data. This finding provides evidence about internal construct validity of CBCL. In addition, the results showed none of syndromes overlapped completely, indicating that syndromes were empirically distinguishable and possessed discriminate validity. Conclusion: The results of this study supported filling of the Achenbach model to our data and CBCL could be used lo assess emotional and behavioral problems of children aged 6-18 years.