Document Type : Research Paper




This article is about the effectiveness of experiential-processing therapy (emotion focused therapy) on test anxiety reduction in female high school students in Tehran. Emotion focused therapy is an integration of person-centered therapy, Gestalt therapy and experiential therapy that made by Leslie Greenberg, Robert Elliotte and Susan Gohnson. Research on EFT demonstrates that we have two systems of processing information: the rational and experiential systems.  The sample of research is 70 female high school students that was chosen randomly and allocated to 2 group with 35 individuals. The experimental group received the EFT strategies in 8 sessions. The instrument is Ahvaz anxiety test questionnaire. Statistical analysis contains T-student and co-variation analysis showed that the research hypothesis (instruction of experiential-processing therapy (emotion focused therapy) on test anxiety reduction in female high school students in Tehran is effective) have proved with 99% in this research.


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