Document Type : Research Paper


azad university


The main goal of the present study is to investigate the effects of social skills teaching on the self-esteem and identity dimensions of the male labor children in Gorgan, Iran. So, 96 labor children (both girl and boy) of 125 labor children were selected, in Gorgan, as the sample participants by the available targeted sampling method based on the Cohen table; next, 50 male labor children who obtained low score in terms of Matson social skill scale, Cooper-Smith self-esteem questionnaire as well as Cheek identity dimensions questionnaire, were randomly chosen, placed in the test and control group through using pretest and posttest experiment patterns; then, Matson social skills scale test, Cooper-Smith self-esteem test and Cheek identity dimensions test were performed as the pre- and post-tests. Moreover, the children in the test group participated in 12 one-hour sessions of teaching social skills. The test and control groups were compared following the intervention plan. The results showed that intervening plan have a significant impact (p<0.01) on improving self-esteem and identity dimensions of the labor children in the test group.
