Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor at the Department of Educational Psychology, Shiraz University; email:

2 Assistant Professor at the Department of Psychology and Education Sciences, Yazd University


The present study aims to investigate the mechanism of decision making process from the hot cognition perspective. The effect of anger, as an emotion (with cognitive profile),as well as cognitive styles (need for cognition, structure, and certainty), as a motivational parameter, on analytical decision making process were examined based on Klaczynski’s Dual-Process Model (2004). In this model, metacognitive dispositions are the mediators sitting between predictor variables and decision making. The Actively Open-Minded Thinking Scale was considered as an index of metacognitive dispositions. The research subjects included 233 female and male bachelor students of Shiraz University. The Need for Cognition (Cacioppo, et. al., 1996), the Need for Structure and the Need for Certainty (Thompson et. al., 1992), Anger (Lerner & Keltner, 2000), Cognitive Appraisal (Smith & Ellsworth, 1985), Actively Open-Minded Thinking (Stanovich & West, 2007) and Decision Making (Klaczynski, 2001) Scales were used. Validity and reliability of the scales were confirmed. The results indicated that anger predicted analytical decision making negatively and in direct and indirect (through open-minded thinking) ways. The need for cognition predicted decision-making positively. The need for structure predicted decision making negatively only through Open-Minded Thinking Variable. The need for certainty did not predict decision making. Cognitive appraisal of certainty and self-responsibility/control explained cognitive profile for anger.
