Document Type : Research Paper



ll approaches about the philosophy of religious education are placed in four categories: "philosophy of religious education its more general meaning, philosophy of religious education in its general meaning; philosophy of religious education in its particular meaning, and philosophy of religious education in its more particular meaning." In this paper which is organized on the fourth approach, philosophy of religious education from the view point of Islam was defined as "one of the Islamic philosophical sciences which explains and analyses the concepts and propositions of religious education from the viewpoint of the Quran and innocents tradition by documental-argumental method. Epistemological foundations of religious education from the Islam viewpoint are: "possibility of necessary knowledge for religious education", "three cognitive instruments of sensation, reason, and spirit refining", "guardedness of necessary knowledge for religious education", and "correspondence to reality as the final criterion of correctness of necessary knowledge education." Ontological foundations of religious education from the Islam's viewpoint are: "having origin of existence", "having goal of existence", "guardedness of existence", "true unity of existences components". Principles of religious education on the basis of mentioned above epistemological foundations are "to make the most of knowledge", "activity in knowledge", "expertise in knowledge", "combination in knowledge" ,"real selection" and "real evaluation".
Principles of religious education on the basis of mentioned above on to logical foundations are: "cognition of origin", "cognition of goal", and "believing in origin ""believing in goal," gradedness of stages, foundations, Principles, objectives, materials, and methods of religious education". And finally, objectives of religious education from the Islam's viewpoint were introduced in two parts: "arrival to divine absolute nearness", and "certainty", "virtue", "fait", and "Islam".


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