Document Type : Research Paper



he purpose of the present research was to investigate the relationship between students' learning modes and styles with age and academic performance. 439 (299 female and 140 male) students of humanities and basic sciences in Tabriz Payame Noor University were randomly selected using multi-stage cluster sampling. Honey and Mumford's learning styles questionnaire and Kolb’s learning styles inventory were used to evaluate students’ learning modes and styles. The gathered data were analyzed and the results showed that: (1) among Kolb's learning styles, only abstract conceptualization has a positive and meaningful correlation with students' academic performance. (2) none of Honey and Mumford's learning styles had meaningful relation with students’ academic performance. (3) negative and meaningful correlation was observed between activist learning styles and reflector and theorist ones. (4) there is a positive and meaningful correlation between age and theorist and pragmatist learning styles and negative and meaningful correlation between it and activist learning style. (5) age has a positive and meaningful correlation with abstract conceptualization and active experimentation, as well as academic performance. (6) concrete experience has a positive and meaningful relationship with activist learning style, whereas it has negative and meaningful relation with reflector, theorist and pragmatist learning styles. These results will be discussed in more details in this paper.


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سیف، علی‏اکبر.(1386). روان‏شناسی پرورشی نوین: روان‏شناسی یادگیری و آموزش (ویرایش ششم) تهران: نشر دوران.
همایونی، علیرضا؛ و عبداللهی، محمد حسین. (1382). بررسی رابطه بین سبک‏های یادگیری و سبک‏های شناختی و نقش آن در موفقیت تحصیلی دانش‌آموزان، مجلهروان‏شناسی. 2، 197-178.
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