Document Type : Research Paper



he aim of this study was to examine the relationship between general self efficacy, academic procrastination and academic achievement in university students. 161 male and 228 female students completed the general self efficacy scale (Sherer and Madox, 1982) and academic procrastination scale (Solomon and Rathblom, 1984). The results showed that the average scores of male students were lower than of female students. The comparison of norms in procrastination scores on the academic functions in this study and previous research also showed that in all cases it was higher than previous norms. Pearson`s correlation showed that there is a meaningful and negative relationship between general self efficacy, academic procrastination and academic achievement of in university students. However, the multi variables analysis of variance revealed no statistically meaningful relationship among these groups.


اصغرنژاد، ط‏، احمدی قطب‌الدینی، م‏، فرزاد، و‏، خداپناهی، م، (1385). مطالعه ویژگی‏های روانسنجی مقیاس خودکارآمدی عمومی شرر. مجله روان‏شناسی، 39، سال دهم شماره 3، 262-274.
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