Document Type : Research Paper



The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of multimedia, sound and color on the brain waves of male undergraduate students. Population of the study was male students at the TarbiatMoallem University of Tehran. The sample consisted of 14 male students. The instrument of the study was EEG (SD-C24). The results indicated that:
(a) the use of multimedia had a significant effect on brainwaves at p<0.01 when eyes were open, (b) the use of sound had a significant effect on brainwaves at p<0.05 when eyes were shut, (c) there was no significant difference between sound and multimedia on brainwaves at p<0.05, and (d) there was a significant difference between sound, multimedia and colors on brainwaves at p<0.05.This investigation showed that multimedia affects the brainwaves. However, there was no significant difference between effects of sound and multimedia. Color in comparison to other two variables had a meaningful effect on the brainwaves. Therefore, in designing and developing the media, these factors must be considered. Since learning is the outcome of change of the behavior, it is reflected on the brainwaves.


مکوندحسینی، شاهرخ؛ آزادفلاح، پرویز؛ رسول‏زاده طباطبائی، کاظم؛  قنادیان لادانی، حسن .(1386). ناقرینگی فعالیت نواحی پیشین و پسین قشر مغز در ارتباط با هیجان. فصلنامه پژوهش در سلامت روان‏شناختی. دوره اول. شماره دوم. تابستان.
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