Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of the Educational Psychology, Allameh Tabatabai University . Tehran. Iran

2 Student of General Psychology, Kish International Azad University, Kish, Iran

3 Master's student, Azad University, International Branch, Kish, Iran


This research was carried out with the aim of developing a model of parent-child relationship based on psychological distress and Social Anxiety with the mediation of mindfulness in teenage students, which was applied in terms of purpose and descriptive in nature. The statistical population included teenagers in Tehran. The statistical sample was equal to 300 people who were selected from five regions of Tehran. Sampling was done as a cluster and the questionnaires were completed using an internet survey. Research tools included the Kessler (2002) psychological distress, Fine, Moreland and Schaubel (1983) parent-child relationship, Walach et al (2006) mindfulness, and corner (2000) Social Anxiety questionnaire. Structural equation model was used for statistical analysis. The findings showed that the standard coefficient of the psychological distress and Social Anxiety with parent-child relationship in adolescents was -0.43 and -0.17, which indicated the significance of these relationships. But on the other hand, mindfulness had a mediating role in the standard relationship between psychological distress and Social Anxiety with the parent-child relationships in adolescents. According to the mediating role of mindfulness in explaining the relationship between damaging variables and parent-child relationships, psychologists and counselors can provide adolescent students with group and individual sessions in order to reduce the effects of psychological and social problems on the life of adolescent by pay special attention to mindfulness.


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