Document Type : Research Paper
1 Islamic Azad University، Science and Research Branch
2 Allameh Tabataba'i University
3 Islamic Azad University
4 allameh tabatabaiee University
Academic buoyancy refers to a capacity which can cause students to overcome setbacks, challenges, and difficulties that are part of everyday academic life. One of the goals of researchers is to identifying the factors that have effects on academic buoyancy since this construct has several positive outcomes. The main goal of this research is developing a structural model for academic buoyancy base on motivational factors and mediator roles of grit, mental toughness, and control. We will examine the fitness of conceptual model through partial least squares approach (PLS). The statistical population consisted of all Shahed high school students in Tehran, Iran, and participants were 370 who were selected by multi-stage random sampling. Among the significant findings of this study, we can mention the mediator roles of mental toughness, grit, and academic control as well as the direct effects of motivational factors, grit, mental toughness and control on academic buoyancy. In sum, the revised model of the present study could explain 15% of the variance of academic buoyancy.