Document Type : Research Paper


1 Allameh Tabatabaei University

2 allameh tabatabaei univercity

3 Allameh Tabatbaei University


There is a vast literature on aesthetics, visual design principles and graphic design theory. But very little has been discussed about the trend of e-learning and online courses in terms of aesthetics. One of the main obstacles to obtaining the required knowledge in this field is the lack of understanding of practical definitions and conceptual ideas in this field. The appropriate use of aesthetic concepts can be effective in accepting the learning system in terms of functionality and ease of use, going beyond instrumental features and paying attention to non-instrumental features such as emotional, aesthetic and motivational aspects of e-learning design according to the needs of learners and on the one hand cause their learning and satisfaction and on the other hand increase the efficiency of the education system and finally lead to a valuable learning experience. Although the definition of aesthetics in e-learning is complex, it can be said that it includes three basic elements: an acceptable appearance, an attractive visual interface, and an orderly content, and a combination of these three elements. These elements increase the learning experience and strengthen its results and affect the entire system. Therefore, the purpose of the current research is to explain the concepts and process of using beauty and visual aesthetics to improve the e-learning experience and expand the knowledge of visual aesthetics in this field by using the scope research method.
