Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student in Islamic Ethics, Qom University of Islamic Education

2 Master of Philosophy and Theology, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran

3 profesor of Research Institute of Hawzah and University

4 Master of Jurisprudence and Fundamentals of Law, Imam Sadiq University, Tehran, Iran


Happiness and a comfortable life is one of the important goals of human life, one of the things that provide happiness and comfort for a person is to be free from the vice of avarice. The meaning of absolute stinginess is self-restraint when there is merit in forgiveness. Diagnosing and identifying the trait of miserliness has complications that are sometimes not easily possible for people, so the aim of the upcoming research is to develop a test of miserliness to accurately diagnose this trait. In this regard, with the descriptive-analytical method, first, the Islamic teachings regarding the symptoms of miserliness have been collected and categorized descriptively from verses and traditions, and then they have been compiled and analyzed. In the next stage, based on these symptoms and also according to psychometric methods, a test with 30 questions has been designed, the findings and results of which are as follows: the average opinion of twenty experts in Islamic issues and psychology has a validity score of 6. It states 87% for questions. The validity of the test was conducted on 353 subjects and was calculated with statistical methods and specialized SPSS program. The alpha correlation between the two halves and the correlation of the three cognitive, emotional, and behavioral components; With the total score of the test based on Pearson's correlation, it is higher than 7%, which indicates the high validity of the test. According to the results of the T test, there is a significant difference in the meanness score


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