Document Type : Research Paper


1 M.A. in Evaluation and Measuring (Psychometric), Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran

2 associate professor, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, evaluation and measuring (psychometric) Allameh Tabataba'i University

3 full professor Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences evaluating and measuring (psychometric) Allameh Tabataba'i University


The purpose of the current study has been adapting the AILI questionnaire and determining its psychometric properties and factor structure among the students of Tehran universities; which is an applied research considering the research goal; and a survey research considering the data collection plan. The sample included 427 students who were selected by random from the total population of students of universities of Tehran city in academic year 2016-2017. Having data collected, Question parameters were estimated using the classic theory; and after deletion of unsuitable questions, the Cronbach’s was 0.9. The Divergent and Convergent Validity of the questionnaire were examined using MSLQ questionnaire. In order to fit the questionnaire data to primary model, Confirmatory Factor Analysis was applied using LISREL software; and in order to determine the questionnaire structure in students of Tehran universities, Exploratory Factor Analysis by Main Component Method and rotating ablymn was applied. The parameters of the questions were estimated using GRM Polytomous model and R software. The results showed that the deleted questions in classic analysis had low detection coefficient in here; and their Awareness Functions did not provide any awareness at the level of the measured attribute. Finally, fit the data to one, two and three-parameter and GRM model. In conclusion, the best model to fit the data was GRM model. Considering the data analysis, the new questionnaire _adapted to students of Tehran universities _ was extracted.


Main Subjects

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