Document Type : Research Paper


, Department of Psychology, Shahrbabak Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shahrbabak, Iran


The global spread of the virus (Covid-19) has caused an increase in psychological problems in families. Since resilience plays a significant role in people's mental and physical health, the present study was conducted with the aim of meta-analysis on the relationship between Corona anxiety and resilience. The results of the current research showed that there is a moderate and significant relationship between Corona anxiety and resilience. The average effect size of Corona anxiety and resilience in the group of students, medical staff (doctor-nurse) and elderly people is 0.58, respectively, 0.23 and -0.23. This relationship is stronger in the group of students and young people than in the group of nurses and elderly people. To explain the relationship between age and corona anxiety, the meta-regression table was used and the results showed that 22% of the variance The difference between the groups in the effect sizes can be explained by age. The publication bias was done by beg and mazumdar's correlation test, the results explain the symmetry of the effect sizes and there was no publication bias (p<0.05). Considering the high prevalence of anxiety disorders during the spread of the virus (Covid-19) and considering the fact that the effect size of these two variables is strong in students, it is suggested to schools and universities to hold training classes to increase resilience. And since this relationship is weak in health care workers and the elderly, it is better to focus on other factors such as strengthening (spiritual intelligence, increasing salaries, etc.) to reduce anxiety in these two groups...


Main Subjects

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