Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Student in Curriculum Planning, Azad University, South Tehran Branch

2 Faculty member of Allameh Tabatabai University

3 Faculty of Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch


The purpose of this research is to systematically study the characteristics of a learning environment that are considered in all aspects of the teaching-learning process in the curriculum and its practical implementation. This environment is influenced by culture, tradition, technology and richness in design and construction. The approach of this research is quantitative. In the designed model, the components of learning environment that were identified using content analysis in 7 dimensions are: learner, teacher, teaching-learning process, curriculum approaches, teaching content, learning environment physics, and evaluation.This model was validated by a researcher-made questionnaire. In the first part, the exterior model of the study is evaluated using first-order confirmatory factor analysis, presenting the results of convergent validity and divergence validity, and after establishing the validity condition, structural equation modeling using second-order measurement model is presented. For convergent validity, mean extracted variance (AVE) and reliability (CR) were calculated and Lisrel software was used to evaluate the designed model based on X2 indices of freedom, fitness index (GFI), adjustment index. Fit (AGFI), Soft fit index (NFI), Soft fit index (NNFI), Incremental fit index (IFI), Adaptive fit index (CFI), and Root estimation of second root estimation error (RMSEA) were used.


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