tayebe dehghan nayeri; Noorali Farrokhi; Ahmad Borjali; Ebrahim Alizadeh
The purpose of the present study was to investigate the precision of the statistics based on the Rasch model (Up , Wp, lp &lzp) to detect response style of acquiescence in polytomouse data. Two sampels size (2000 and 500 data) was simulated according to Partial Credit model.The precision of ...
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The purpose of the present study was to investigate the precision of the statistics based on the Rasch model (Up , Wp, lp &lzp) to detect response style of acquiescence in polytomouse data. Two sampels size (2000 and 500 data) was simulated according to Partial Credit model.The precision of person-fit statistics was compared under different testing conditions (Sample size, test length, percentages of aberrant-responding examinees and percentages of aberrant items) together. In order to investigate precision of the statistics used area under the ROC curve. The results showed that Up and Wp statistics had high precision to detect response style of acquiescence in all situations. About these statistics distinguished between the compatible and aberrant response patterns with the highest precision (>./9). lp and lzp statistics had low precision(./5<) in more situations and they could not distinguish response style of acquiescence. It is suggested that be used Up and Wp statistics to detect of the response style of acquiescence . Especially when persons want to be hired and they try to justify themselves.
Mahtab Changaei; Hossain Salimi Bajestani; Kiiumars Farah Bakhsh; Asiyeh Shariatmadar; Noorali Farrokhi
This study was conducted to develop a pattern of academic probation based on lived experiences of students and research texts related to the subject. This study is a qualitative research using phenomenology method and purposive sampling. Twelve semi-structured interviews were carried out with 10 female ...
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This study was conducted to develop a pattern of academic probation based on lived experiences of students and research texts related to the subject. This study is a qualitative research using phenomenology method and purposive sampling. Twelve semi-structured interviews were carried out with 10 female and 2 male students who were placed on academic probation. The interviews were recorded and transcribed and then, the data were analyzed using the Colizzii analysis method. Also, 25 related research texts were selected through purposive sampling and analyzed using content analysis. In general, 6 themes of individual, family, educational, economic and social factors,and non-adaptive coping strategies with 25 sub-themes were obtained from the analysis.The conceptual pattern of academic probation was developed by organizing themes and sub-themes emerged from the data, in the form of causes (causaltive, interferring and background), strategies/reactions and consequences. Considering to the pattern of academic probation, it seems that in the case of persisting the conditions and non-interference, the problem of students' failure to study successfully would continue and even intensify. To help such students to come out of this cycle, multidimensional interventions, including psychological counseling, are suggested.
روانشناسی یادگیری
Fereshte Hashemi; fariborz dortaj; Noorali Farrokhi; Bita Nasrolahi
This research deals with the effectiveness of mindfulness training on procrastination and academic stress among female students of the eighth- grade of district 1 Tehran city. This study was a quasi-experimental design, using a pre and post-test exam with the control group. The statistical population ...
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This research deals with the effectiveness of mindfulness training on procrastination and academic stress among female students of the eighth- grade of district 1 Tehran city. This study was a quasi-experimental design, using a pre and post-test exam with the control group. The statistical population of the research was female students in district 1 of Tehran who was studying at the 8th grade in the academic year of 2016-2017. Two schools selected by accident among the female schools in the district of Tehran. Using a primary screening, 80 students randomly replaced by the Tuckman’s Procrastination Questionnaire (2001) and the Zajacova, & et al.’s academic stress Questionnaire (2005) on the acquisition of high scores in Procrastination and academic stress in 2 experimental groups and 2 control groups. The experimental groups were taught in 8 basic techniques. While, during this time, the control groups did not receive the training. The results of the study using the covariance analysis and independent t-test showed that as a result of mindfulness training, there is a significant difference (p<0.05) between the experimental and control groups in the level of procrastination and stress of the students in the pre and post-test. The result is that the use of mindfulness can decrease students' procrastination and academic stress.
Noorali Farrokhi
The purpose of the study was to predict academic procrastination based on perfectionism and cognitive learning strategies in students. The design of the present research was a cross-sectional one with a descriptive correlational-prediction approach. In this study, 210 students of the Faculty of Psychology ...
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The purpose of the study was to predict academic procrastination based on perfectionism and cognitive learning strategies in students. The design of the present research was a cross-sectional one with a descriptive correlational-prediction approach. In this study, 210 students of the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of Allameh Tabataba'i University completed the Solomon Rath Blum Educational Inventory (1984), perfectionism and cognitive strategies of Mousavian (2004) in the academic year 2016-17. To test the hypothesis of Pearson correlation coefficient and multiple regression were used. The results showed that there is a significant relationship between perfectionism and academic procrastination, between perfectionism and cognitive strategies and its components with direct perfectionism. There is a significant negative relationship between perfectionism and negative perfectionism. There is a negative and significant relationship between cognitive strategies and its components with academic proclivity. Findings indicate that with the help of perfectionism and cognitive strategies, it is possible to predict academic proclivity of students.
somayeh saifi; soghra ebrahimi qavam; Hasan Ashaeri; Noorali Farrokhi; Fariborz Dortaj
Current solution to the problems of education requires more sophisticated and smart approach by choosing that an important part of the (brain-compatible learning) is provided. Brain compatible learning considers how naturally learning take place. It seeks for changing the frame to make an effective teaching ...
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Current solution to the problems of education requires more sophisticated and smart approach by choosing that an important part of the (brain-compatible learning) is provided. Brain compatible learning considers how naturally learning take place. It seeks for changing the frame to make an effective teaching based on the structure and functions of human brain.The main objective of this study was to determine the effectiveness of brain compatible learning on the components of planning and problem solving of executive functions of 4th grade of elementary school. This study has been conducted with unequal control group design from quasi-experimental design. The statistical society consisted of all male students in Salam elementary private school of Tehran) 7 school) in 2015-2016 academic year, and the target sample chosen from 38 students of the 4th grade in Salam schools in the district 5. Fifty hours of brain compatible education for experimental teachers’ group and 3 months education were performed for students according to brain compatible lesson plans for mathematics, science and literature lessons. Pre-test and post-test data were collected by using Tower of London Test and they were analyzed by one way analysis of covariance, and multiway analysis of covariance (MANCOVA). Results showed that brain compatible learning has been effective on planning component of executive functions and also brain compatible learning has been effective on problem solving component of executive functions (F=24/94, P<.0001/0, Effect Size=./416). These findings smart learning with regard to the elements and principles of brain-compatible learning emphasizes the ability to plan and problem solving.
Mahdi Rahmani Malek abadi; Noor Ali Farokhi; Jalal Aghabeigi
Volume 11, Issue 38 , January 2016, , Pages 1-18
The aim of this research was to investigate the psychometric properties and standardization of six factor HEXACO-FFI-R questionnaire. This questionnaire developed from studding of lexicon of 7 countries examined 24 subscales in six personality traits of honesty-humility, excitability, extroversion, agreeableness, ...
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The aim of this research was to investigate the psychometric properties and standardization of six factor HEXACO-FFI-R questionnaire. This questionnaire developed from studding of lexicon of 7 countries examined 24 subscales in six personality traits of honesty-humility, excitability, extroversion, agreeableness, Conscientiousness and openness to experience. This scale has 60 items.This research was of survey type. Research population were consisted of all bachelor, master and doctorate students in universities which were under the supervision of science and technology ministry. 884 students participate in this study selected from five universities of ESFAHAN, SHIRAZ.FERDOSI of MASHHAD, OROMIEH and KORDESTAN.Results approved a hypothesized six factor structure of student's personality. Questionnaire demonstrates a good reliability and construct validity showing its reliability and applicability.Equating of this questionnaire with NEO-FFI-R questionnaire and validation of it in other classes of community is recommended.Keywords: Standardization, HEXACO-FFI-R questionnaire, students. f f f f f f f f