toohid ashrafzade; ali issazadegan; farzane michaeeli manee
This study examined the model causal relationship between epistemological beliefs and study skills on academic performance with the mediating role of academic self-efficacy. This study is descriptive (non-experimental) and study design is correlational plans type of the structural equations. Statistical ...
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This study examined the model causal relationship between epistemological beliefs and study skills on academic performance with the mediating role of academic self-efficacy. This study is descriptive (non-experimental) and study design is correlational plans type of the structural equations. Statistical population of the study formed all of secondary school students of Orumieh in 2015-2016 years of academic. Sampling was cluster random and determination the sample size for each of the sub-variable were considered 20 samples and 350 persons were selected as study sample. To collecting data was used of Patrick, Hicks and Ryan’s the academic self-efficacy scale (1997), Schommer’s epistemo logical beliefs scale (1991), Congos’s study skills scale (2009) and to measure academic performance of students was used of average scores of students in the first academic semester 2015-2016. in this study structural equation modeling was used to assess. the results of this study revealed that study skills and academic self-efficacy directly affect the academic performance of students. So the results of this study revealed that study skills and epistemological beliefs indirectly and through academic self-efficacy affect the academic performance of students. in this study the direct affect of epistemological beliefs on the academic performance of students was not proved. these findings of study support the mediating role of academic self-efficacy in the model causal relationship between epistemological beliefs and study skills on academic performance.
روانشناسی یادگیری
yaser garavand; Gholam Hossein Maktabi; Fatemeh Farzadi; Molod Salaripur
The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of interaction of educational environment experiences with the mediation of epistemological beliefs on the research self-efficacy of graduate students of Chamran University of Ahwaz. The method of this study was correlation of path analysis. The statistical ...
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of interaction of educational environment experiences with the mediation of epistemological beliefs on the research self-efficacy of graduate students of Chamran University of Ahwaz. The method of this study was correlation of path analysis. The statistical population consisted of all post-graduate students of humanities in Shahid Chamran University of Ahwaz in 1395-96, That total number of them was 368. Of these, 315 people were selected as a research sampleby using stratified random sampling method. To collect the research data Questionnaires of educational-research environment Gravand(1391); Schumer's epistemological beliefs (1390) and research self-efficacy Salehi, (2011) were used. The results showed that the research model is compatible with the data collected from graduate students and the beliefs of epistemology are mediator the relationship between environmental experiences and research self-efficacy of students. Also, there was a direct relationship between the educational-research environment and all components of epistemological beliefs, including the belief in fast Learning. In addition, there was a direct relationship between all components of epistemological beliefs with research self-efficacy Instead of believing the certainty of knowledge, Also, there was a direct relationship between the educational-research environment and the research self-efficacy. In general, epistemological beliefs as an influential mediator can influence the research efficiency of students. Therefore, the central role of epistemological beliefs should be in the focus of interventions and planning associated with increasing the research self-efficacy of students.
hamideh pakmehr; hossein karshki
Volume 10, Issue 34 , January 2015, , Pages 112-126
Considering the importance of critical thinking disposition and its’ the factors affecting, the present study was aimed to assess and explain the impact of students’ epistemological perspectives critical thinking disposition. This research method was causal-comparative. The statistic ...
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Considering the importance of critical thinking disposition and its’ the factors affecting, the present study was aimed to assess and explain the impact of students’ epistemological perspectives critical thinking disposition. This research method was causal-comparative. The statistic population consisted of all humanities students in Bafg PNU (460). 146 students were selected through stratified and sample size formula. They completed Ricketts’ critical thinking disposition (2003) and Schommer’ epistemological belief (1998) questionnaire’s. The findings showed that (1): There was significant difference between the two groups of students with complex and raw epistemological belief’s to critical thinking disposition .2- Most students were complex epistemological beliefs. 3. The students’ critical thinking disposition was not desirable. According to the results, change on the raw beliefs into complex beliefs, can be used to strengthen critical thinking and advanced the higher education goals.
Kazem Barzegar Bafrou’i; Esma’il Sa’dipour; Soghra Ebrahimi Qavam; Nour Ali Farrokhi
Volume 8, Issue 26 , January 2013, , Pages 178-211
The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of epistemological beliefs and perception of constructivist learning environment on chemistry performance through the mediation of academic self-efficacy and high-level cognitive strategies. Forthispurpose, 646high school students (318 male, 328 ...
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of epistemological beliefs and perception of constructivist learning environment on chemistry performance through the mediation of academic self-efficacy and high-level cognitive strategies. Forthispurpose, 646high school students (318 male, 328 female) were chosen through cluster random sampling method and completed a questionnaire of epistemological beliefs, perception of constructivist learning environment, academic self-efficacy, and high-level cognitive strategies scales.The structural modeling analysis indicated that epistemological beliefs and perception of constructivist learning environment had a direct and significant impact on chemistry performance, and the result indicated that relationships between epistemological beliefs and perception of constructivist learning environment with chemistry performance was mediated by academic self-efficacy and high-level cognitive strategies. In this model, all regression weights were statistically significant and predictors explained 0.75% variance of chemistry performance. In general, the results proved the direct and indirect impact of epistemological beliefs and perception of constructivist learning environment (through mediation of academic self-efficacy and high-level cognitive strategies) on chemistry performance.