seyedabas razavi; gholamhosein rahimidost
Books are important tools for knowledge acquisition. Generally, reading and especially book reading lead to comparative development. So societies should attempt to enhance the quality and quantity of reading among their individuals. The present research was conducted to study the role of university on ...
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Books are important tools for knowledge acquisition. Generally, reading and especially book reading lead to comparative development. So societies should attempt to enhance the quality and quantity of reading among their individuals. The present research was conducted to study the role of university on enhancing student's book reading. Thus 263 students among the total population of Psychology and Education Faculty student's from Shahid Chamran University were selected through a cluster sampling. Data was collected by a researcher made questionnaire which was validated by some experts in the field. Coefficient Alpha method was used to analyze reliability. The questionnaire was approved (0=0.80). Data obtained were c. analyzed by inferential statistics techniques such as One - Way ANOVA, Pearson Correlation, Spearman Correlation, and £.... Wilcoxon. Results indicated that, in students' point of view, the role of ::, university in enhancing book reading of students is "relatively". Also, the amount of book reading by students is reduced after they enter university. Other Results indicated that there is no significant difference among education, psychology, counseling, and library science student's attitude toward role of university in reading book. Furthermore there is no significant difference between boys and girls in this regard. Also there is not any difference between B.A and M.A student's attitude toward the role of university in book reading. It was not observed any relationship between student's academic achievement and their attitude toward the role of university in book reading. Furthermore the study indicated that there is no relationship between quantity of studying in university and student's attitude toward the role of university in book reading. But we recognized the relationship between academic field interest and student's attitude toward the role of university in book reading.