Document Type : Research Paper



he aim of this research is to investigate the basics of social education from Imam Sajjad `s viewpoint in Sahifeye Sajjadieh. In  approaching to this aim, first we analyzed the meaning of social education with more emphasis on Sahifeye Sahifeye Sajjadieh in a way that provide a determined structure for bringing out and stating basics of social education from Sahifeh. In this investigation, library and sample taking method for gathering of information were used which were a foundation for application of prays in Sahifye Sajjadieh and authoritative. Translations and interpretations was also used taking the advantages of analyzing contents method. This investigation is going to answer the following two questions: (1) what does the social education mean according to Imam Sajjad? (2) What are the basics of social education? According to the obtained results of this study, he has considered all different parts of social education in his worships that included: Morals, relationships, family, rights, social supervising, crime and judging and between his worships in an intricate and exact method he has enumerated some internal features of mankind like: generosity, dignity, negligence, weakness, to influence one, perfectionism, to speculate, etc.


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