Academic Achievement
Prediction Model of Academic Satisfaction and Achievement via Two-Dimensional Perfectionism and Achievement Goals in high school students [Volume 10, Issue 33, 2014, Pages 21-46]
Academic Achievement
The Role of Family in Academic Achievement of Junior High School Students in Tehran City [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2014, Pages 211-222]
Academic buoyancy
Academic Buoyancy and Perception of Family
Communication Patterns and Structure of Class: The
Mediatory Role of Self-Efficacy Dimensions [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2014, Pages 1-30]
Academic burnout
A Study of the Relationship between Regulation of
Positive and Negative Emotions and Academic
Performance and Burnout among University Stude [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2014, Pages 31-53]
Academic engagement
A Study of the Effectiveness of Martin’s CognitiveBehavioral Multidimensional Interventions on Academic
Achievement and Engagement of High School Female
Students in Isfahan City [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2014, Pages 79-93]
Academic engagement
Studying The relationship between Student academic engagement with dropout among high school students, male and female first year of isfahan province [Volume 10, Issue 34, 2014, Pages 233-247]
Academic Performance
A Study of the Relationship between Regulation of
Positive and Negative Emotions and Academic
Performance and Burnout among University Stude [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2014, Pages 31-53]
Academic Performance
A Study of the Effectiveness of Martin’s CognitiveBehavioral Multidimensional Interventions on Academic
Achievement and Engagement of High School Female
Students in Isfahan City [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2014, Pages 79-93]
Academic Performance
The relationship between the circadian rhythms and academic performance of female students in sixth grade of school [Volume 10, Issue 34, 2014, Pages 175-206]
Academic Satisfaction
Prediction Model of Academic Satisfaction and Achievement via Two-Dimensional Perfectionism and Achievement Goals in high school students [Volume 10, Issue 33, 2014, Pages 21-46]
Academic success
The Role of Family in Academic Achievement of Junior High School Students in Tehran City [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2014, Pages 211-222]
Achievement Motivation
A Comparison of Time Management Skills and Achievement Motivation of Students with High and Low Academic Performance [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2014, Pages 109-124]
Adaptive Approach
In Search for Identification of Culture Needs of the Young Generation and Developing an Adapted Model [Volume 10, Issue 33, 2014, Pages 169-197]
Allameh Tabataba’i University
A Study of Educational Curricula for the Field of Library and Information Science with the Purpose of Revising the Undergraduate Curriculum at Allameh Tabataba'i University [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2014, Pages 25-60]
Studying of molana’s moral creativity in mystical interpretations of Noah’s (PBUH) prophet koranian story [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2014, Pages 125-164]
Aspects of Needs
In Search for Identification of Culture Needs of the Young Generation and Developing an Adapted Model [Volume 10, Issue 33, 2014, Pages 169-197]
PhD students’ attitude model about the feedback of academic [Volume 10, Issue 34, 2014, Pages 44-66]
Auditory memory problems
Dicteyar Educational Multimedia Effectiveness on improving Dysgraphia students ‘Auditory and Visual Memory Problems in learninig spelling [Volume 10, Issue 34, 2014, Pages 24-41]
Biological rhythms
The relationship between the circadian rhythms and academic performance of female students in sixth grade of school [Volume 10, Issue 34, 2014, Pages 175-206]
Blended Mentoring
The Effect of Blended Mentoring Based on Strategic Knowledge Scaffolding on Learning and Retention [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2014, Pages 1-24]
Cognitive Apprenticeship
The Effect of Blended Mentoring Based on Strategic Knowledge Scaffolding on Learning and Retention [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2014, Pages 1-24]
Cognitive-Behavioral Multidimensional Interventions
A Study of the Effectiveness of Martin’s CognitiveBehavioral Multidimensional Interventions on Academic
Achievement and Engagement of High School Female
Students in Isfahan City [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2014, Pages 79-93]
Cooperative learning
The Effect of Weblog on Cooperative Learning of Students of the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2014, Pages 191-209]
Corporative Learning
Comparing Effectiveness of Corporative and
Brainstorming Teaching Methods in Social Competency [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2014, Pages 55-79]
Critical Thinking Disposition
Explanation of students’ critical thinking disposition according to their epistemological beliefs [Volume 10, Issue 34, 2014, Pages 112-126]
A Study of Educational Curricula for the Field of Library and Information Science with the Purpose of Revising the Undergraduate Curriculum at Allameh Tabataba'i University [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2014, Pages 25-60]
Quality Assessment of Post-Graduate Curriculum of the Department of Educational Management and Planning [Volume 10, Issue 34, 2014, Pages 67-92]
Explanation of students’ critical thinking disposition according to their epistemological beliefs [Volume 10, Issue 34, 2014, Pages 112-126]
Dicteyar Educational Multimedia Effectiveness on improving Dysgraphia students ‘Auditory and Visual Memory Problems in learninig spelling [Volume 10, Issue 34, 2014, Pages 24-41]
Dimensions of Self-Efficacy
Academic Buoyancy and Perception of Family
Communication Patterns and Structure of Class: The
Mediatory Role of Self-Efficacy Dimensions [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2014, Pages 1-30]
Dicteyar Educational Multimedia Effectiveness on improving Dysgraphia students ‘Auditory and Visual Memory Problems in learninig spelling [Volume 10, Issue 34, 2014, Pages 24-41]
Philosophical Characteristics of Human Substantial Motion and it's Applications in recognition of the Principles Governing Educational Transformation [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2014, Pages 81-107]
Educational multimedia
Dicteyar Educational Multimedia Effectiveness on improving Dysgraphia students ‘Auditory and Visual Memory Problems in learninig spelling [Volume 10, Issue 34, 2014, Pages 24-41]
Educational Program Revision
A Study of Educational Curricula for the Field of Library and Information Science with the Purpose of Revising the Undergraduate Curriculum at Allameh Tabataba'i University [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2014, Pages 25-60]
Educational Weblog
The Effect of Weblog on Cooperative Learning of Students of the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2014, Pages 191-209]
Identifying the Effective Factors in Effectiveness of the
On-the-Job Training Courses for Presenting the
Structural Model [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2014, Pages 115-137]
The Effect of Blended Mentoring Based on Strategic Knowledge Scaffolding on Learning and Retention [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2014, Pages 1-24]
Emotion Regulation
A Study of the Relationship between Regulation of
Positive and Negative Emotions and Academic
Performance and Burnout among University Stude [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2014, Pages 31-53]
The Effect of Using E-Portfolio on Students' Test
Anxiety and Self-Esteem [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2014, Pages 95-114]
The Role of Family in Academic Achievement of Junior High School Students in Tehran City [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2014, Pages 211-222]
Family communication pattern
Academic Buoyancy and Perception of Family
Communication Patterns and Structure of Class: The
Mediatory Role of Self-Efficacy Dimensions [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2014, Pages 1-30]
Ferdowsi, Haft Bazm & Social Skills Training
“Psychological Introduction to Haft Bazm Story in
Abolghasem Ferdowsi’s Shahnameh” [Volume 10, Issue 34, 2014, Pages 151-174]
Designing a Conceptual Model for Measuring of Effective Factors on Learner’s Satisfaction at Electronic Learning Base in Universities with Distance Educational System [Volume 10, Issue 33, 2014, Pages 1-20]
Grounded Theory
Providing the Psychological Model of Human Flourishing based on The Grounded Theory: A Qualitative Research [Volume 10, Issue 34, 2014, Pages 207-232]
Group Embedded Figures Test (GEFT)
A Comparison of Cognitive Styles Used by Female and Male Students of Computer and Human Sciences [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2014, Pages 61-80]
Higher education
Quality Assessment of Post-Graduate Curriculum of the Department of Educational Management and Planning [Volume 10, Issue 34, 2014, Pages 67-92]
High School Principals in Tehran
The Role of Organizational Intelligence in Improvement of Organizational Performance: A Case Study of High School Principals in Tehran City [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2014, Pages 165-189]
High School Students
Studying The relationship between Student academic engagement with dropout among high school students, male and female first year of isfahan province [Volume 10, Issue 34, 2014, Pages 233-247]
A Study of Educational Curricula for the Field of Library and Information Science with the Purpose of Revising the Undergraduate Curriculum at Allameh Tabataba'i University [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2014, Pages 25-60]
The effects of Writing to Learn (WTL) interventions on promoting students learning and thinking [Volume 10, Issue 34, 2014, Pages 1-21]
Library and Information Science
A Study of Educational Curricula for the Field of Library and Information Science with the Purpose of Revising the Undergraduate Curriculum at Allameh Tabataba'i University [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2014, Pages 25-60]
Mental Health
The Correlation of Mental health and Physical Activities among Female teachers [Volume 10, Issue 33, 2014, Pages 113-128]
The Effect of Blended Mentoring Based on Strategic Knowledge Scaffolding on Learning and Retention [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2014, Pages 1-24]
The Effect of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Program Training on Students’ procrastination [Volume 10, Issue 34, 2014, Pages 94-109]
Mindfulness-based stress reduction program
The Effect of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Program Training on Students’ procrastination [Volume 10, Issue 34, 2014, Pages 94-109]
Studying of molana’s moral creativity in mystical interpretations of Noah’s (PBUH) prophet koranian story [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2014, Pages 125-164]
Studying of molana’s moral creativity in mystical interpretations of Noah’s (PBUH) prophet koranian story [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2014, Pages 125-164]
Designing a Conceptual Model for Measuring of Effective Factors on Learner’s Satisfaction at Electronic Learning Base in Universities with Distance Educational System [Volume 10, Issue 33, 2014, Pages 1-20]
On-the-Job Training
Identifying the Effective Factors in Effectiveness of the
On-the-Job Training Courses for Presenting the
Structural Model [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2014, Pages 115-137]
Organizational Performance
The Role of Organizational Intelligence in Improvement of Organizational Performance: A Case Study of High School Principals in Tehran City [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2014, Pages 165-189]
The effectiveness of instructing transactional analysis on modifying perfectionism in mothers [Volume 10, Issue 33, 2014, Pages 155-168]
Peer -assisted learning questionnaire
Construction and Validation of Peer-Assisted learning Scale (PAL) forVocational High-School Students. [Volume 10, Issue 34, 2014, Pages 127-153]
PhD students’ attitude model about the feedback of academic [Volume 10, Issue 34, 2014, Pages 44-66]
Personal Factors
Identifying the Effective Factors in Effectiveness of the
On-the-Job Training Courses for Presenting the
Structural Model [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2014, Pages 115-137]
Personal Skills Training
A Study of Professional Skills Training in the Selection
of Veterinary Surgeon Assistants in Iran [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2014, Pages 139-154]
Ph.D students
PhD students’ attitude model about the feedback of academic [Volume 10, Issue 34, 2014, Pages 44-66]
Positive and Negative Emotions
A Study of the Relationship between Regulation of
Positive and Negative Emotions and Academic
Performance and Burnout among University Stude [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2014, Pages 31-53]
Post-graduate Education
Quality Assessment of Post-Graduate Curriculum of the Department of Educational Management and Planning [Volume 10, Issue 34, 2014, Pages 67-92]
Preschool children
The effect of educational games on the social development of preschool children [Volume 10, Issue 33, 2014, Pages 71-85]
The Effect of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Program Training on Students’ procrastination [Volume 10, Issue 34, 2014, Pages 94-109]
Quality Assessment
Quality Assessment of Post-Graduate Curriculum of the Department of Educational Management and Planning [Volume 10, Issue 34, 2014, Pages 67-92]
The Effect of Using E-Portfolio on Students' Test
Anxiety and Self-Esteem [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2014, Pages 95-114]
Seven parties
Ferdowsi, Haft Bazm & Social Skills Training
“Psychological Introduction to Haft Bazm Story in
Abolghasem Ferdowsi’s Shahnameh” [Volume 10, Issue 34, 2014, Pages 151-174]
Ferdowsi, Haft Bazm & Social Skills Training
“Psychological Introduction to Haft Bazm Story in
Abolghasem Ferdowsi’s Shahnameh” [Volume 10, Issue 34, 2014, Pages 151-174]
Social Competency
Comparing Effectiveness of Corporative and
Brainstorming Teaching Methods in Social Competency [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2014, Pages 55-79]
Social development
The effect of educational games on the social development of preschool children [Volume 10, Issue 33, 2014, Pages 71-85]
Strategic Knowledge
The Effect of Blended Mentoring Based on Strategic Knowledge Scaffolding on Learning and Retention [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2014, Pages 1-24]
Structure of Class
Academic Buoyancy and Perception of Family
Communication Patterns and Structure of Class: The
Mediatory Role of Self-Efficacy Dimensions [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2014, Pages 1-30]
Designing a Conceptual Model for Measuring of Effective Factors on Learner’s Satisfaction at Electronic Learning Base in Universities with Distance Educational System [Volume 10, Issue 33, 2014, Pages 1-20]
Students with High & Low Academic Performance
A Comparison of Time Management Skills and Achievement Motivation of Students with High and Low Academic Performance [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2014, Pages 109-124]
Study styles
Designing a Conceptual Model for Measuring of Effective Factors on Learner’s Satisfaction at Electronic Learning Base in Universities with Distance Educational System [Volume 10, Issue 33, 2014, Pages 1-20]
Teaching Method
Comparing Effectiveness of Corporative and
Brainstorming Teaching Methods in Social Competency [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2014, Pages 55-79]
Test anxiety
The Effect of Using E-Portfolio on Students' Test
Anxiety and Self-Esteem [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2014, Pages 95-114]
The effects of Writing to Learn (WTL) interventions on promoting students learning and thinking [Volume 10, Issue 34, 2014, Pages 1-21]
Time Management Skill
A Comparison of Time Management Skills and Achievement Motivation of Students with High and Low Academic Performance [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2014, Pages 109-124]
Transactional Analysis
The effectiveness of instructing transactional analysis on modifying perfectionism in mothers [Volume 10, Issue 33, 2014, Pages 155-168]
Philosophical Characteristics of Human Substantial Motion and it's Applications in recognition of the Principles Governing Educational Transformation [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2014, Pages 81-107]
Two-Dimensional Perfectionism
Prediction Model of Academic Satisfaction and Achievement via Two-Dimensional Perfectionism and Achievement Goals in high school students [Volume 10, Issue 33, 2014, Pages 21-46]
A Study of Educational Curricula for the Field of Library and Information Science with the Purpose of Revising the Undergraduate Curriculum at Allameh Tabataba'i University [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2014, Pages 25-60]
University Students
A Study of the Relationship between Regulation of
Positive and Negative Emotions and Academic
Performance and Burnout among University Stude [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2014, Pages 31-53]
Construction and Validation of Peer-Assisted learning Scale (PAL) forVocational High-School Students. [Volume 10, Issue 34, 2014, Pages 127-153]
Veterinary Surgeon
A Study of Professional Skills Training in the Selection
of Veterinary Surgeon Assistants in Iran [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2014, Pages 139-154]
Writing to learn (WTL)
The effects of Writing to Learn (WTL) interventions on promoting students learning and thinking [Volume 10, Issue 34, 2014, Pages 1-21]
Young Generation
In Search for Identification of Culture Needs of the Young Generation and Developing an Adapted Model [Volume 10, Issue 33, 2014, Pages 169-197]